Post abortion recovery

Post abortion recovery encompasses much more than the medical and physical aspects. If you're struggling emotionally, you are not alone.

There is a silent band of women and men who suffer daily the grief of an abortion experience, whose hearts and minds are shattered by guilt, shame, hurt and anger.

They are silent because they feel they have no right to grieve.

They are silent because they don’t believe anyone will understand their pain.

They are silent because they don’t believe they deserve any better.

Struggling after abortion?

You may well be one of them. The heavy burden you carry may be at the core of difficulties in your relationships, addictions, irrational behaviour, depression and more besides.

If it sounds familiar to you, then know that abortion does not have the last word in your life. There is a road back and there are people on that road to help you.

OUR APPROACH to post abortion recovery


Rachel’s Vineyard is a 3-day retreat for healing after abortion.

The program allows you to unpack and examine your experience and offers you a safe place to find healing.

In a safe, secluded and beautiful environment, and alongside others who have similar stories to tell (as well as others who have already found healing), you will find the strength and courage to share something of your abortion experience and allow God’s healing love and mercy to touch you.

The retreat is Catholic, but many people who attend belong to other Christian denominations, other faiths or none at all. It doesn’t matter: what matters is the shared experience of painful grief and a genuine desire for openness or healing.

Outwith retreats, one-to-one contact is available.

To find out more about Rachel’s Vineyard, please click below to access their website.